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Freight Insights Report

In the first two weeks of launch, drove 100+ report downloads from customers like ​IKEA, Walmart, Ford, CHEP, and Aldi, and prospects like UPS, Container Store, Conagra, Spindrift, Husqvarna, and Tyson; customer launch email saw an open rate of 50.6% and prospect launch email saw an open rate of 55.8% (vs. typical 28.7%).


The week of launch saw the highest engagement ever in Convoy’s insights dashboard and new account requests from Celanese, Home Depot, Henkel, and CHEP


Niagara, Target, Kellogg, and IKEA requested 1:1 time with sellers to learn about the findings and expand their insights capabilities with Convoy.


Convoy CEO Dan Lewis: “During the [IKEA] meeting, one of the main folks there pulled up our shipper insights report and started bragging to everyone in the room about how awesome it is, pulled in a bunch of other people to show them, started asking how many loads they need to do in each location so they can get the data in other locations.”



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